Apiculture Products As an Indicator of Ecosystem Quality

Omarov Sh. M., Ataev M. G., Magomedova Z. Sh.

Daghestan State Medical Academy, Makhachkala


The object of great attention of public in different countries at the present time is quality of apiculture products which directly depends on environmental ecology. The authors show the results of their own in investigations and the analysis of literary data about radioactive materials of apiculture products. Bees\' role is demonstrated as a biological indicator of ecosystem condition.

Language: russian



Omarov Sh. M., Ataev M. G., Magomedova Z. Sh.
Apiculture Products As an Indicator of Ecosystem Quality // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2008. Issue #2: 16—19