Burnout Syndrome in Students: Ways of Pedagogical Process Optimisation

O. S. Glazachev

I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow


The analysis of medical students health state in the course of professional formation is carried out in the paper, the unfavorable factors fatally influencing mental and somatic health, stress-resistance level are revealed that, in particular, shows in formation of burnout syndrome (BS), amazing up to 34—40%. Theoretical analysis of burnout syndrome phenomenon, its frame, models, development stages is presented, features of BS in medical students are described. In own empirical study with application of modern psychodiagnostic toolkit and methods for autonomic balance analysis is revealed that burnout syndrome in medical students can be considered as distress exhibiting, induced by nonoptimal educational conditions and showing by an individual combination of different symptoms depending on initial contributing of personal psychological features. On the other hand, even early stages of BS development negatively affect students stressreactance, doing by their more vulnerable to stress factors in the course of training. At the final stage of the article analysis of possible technologies and methods for burnout syndrome prevention in medical students is carried out. The developed recommendations about correction of the educational process organization and knowledge control methods at the department of Normal Physiology are presented that is an effective mean in the prevention of burnout syndrome appearance in students of medical high schools.

Language: russian



O. S. Glazachev
Burnout Syndrome in Students: Ways of Pedagogical Process Optimisation // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2011. Special Issue #1: 26—45