Issue #1, 2019


S. N. Glazachev, O. S. Glazachev

Ecology of Ethnoses (Instead of Preface)

The experience of the analysis of ethnic groups ecological culture formation as a result of the interaction of nature and culture, landscape and ethnos, as a measure of integration into nature, the universe, as a method and result of the ethnic groups\\\' essential forces realization is presented in the paper. Keywords: ethnos, ecological culture, nature

S. N. Glazachev, O. S. Anisimov

Creating a Diagnostic Platform for Personal Development and Ecological Culture Formation in the Conditions of Multicultural Interaction

The experience in creating a methodological diagnostic platform for the ecological development of personality in a multicultural environment is presented in the paper. It is proved that the possession of high abstractions in combination with the method of dialectical deduction provides a culture of thinking and ecological self-determination of a person. Кеywords: personality, multicultural space, ecological development, dialectics, methodology.

E. N. Knyazeva

Ecological Philosophy: World View Dimensions of the Modern Ecology

The philosophical meaning of some ideas of the modern ecology is revealed in the article, and the possibility of applying an extended ecological approach in scientific research, management and educational activities is substantiated. The heuristic character of the concept of ecosophy, introduced into scientific circulation by the French philosopher Felix Guattari, is shown. It is argued that ecology today is not limited to the idea of coexistence and coevolution of man and nature, but might be understood as an ecology of mind, of knowledge, of action, of communication, of management, and of education. Such a broad understanding of ecology develops in his scientific works Stanislav N. Glazachev, whose anniversary is celebrated in 2019. Keywords: ecology, extended ecological approach, ecological thinking, ecological philosophy, evolutionary holism, interdisciplinarity.

S. B. Ignatov, V. A. Ignatova

The Contours of The Culture of Sustainable Development

The article discusses some approaches to understanding the culture of sustainable development. Its contours are discussed. Its basis are the coevolutionary imperative, noospheric world outlook and a global mindset. The debatable position of its relationship with environmental culture is noted. Keywords: imperative, culture, sustainable development, civilization.

João Pedro Martins da Silva


The Piranema Sand Cluster, located between the Seropédica and Itaguaí counties of Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region, is responsible for 65% of the sand used in construction works of the region and is the home of approximately 47 small mining companies. The construction works in progress in this area make this mining district a critical success factor for these new or expanding ventures, for prices of construction sand increases tremendously with delivery distance. These undergoing works attract many people to the region, increasing the need for urban infrastructure to house them. This search for land comes from mining sites and causes difficulties in obtaining local permits, which are the first step in environmental compliance of the mining activities. The discussion of this paradox: «cheap aggregates for urban infrastructure and the displacement of mining to make room for the installation of these infrastructures», must be based on a Future Use Project for this area, seeking consensus among communities, mining, government and other stakeholders. This enables the preparation of a Decommissioning Plan for the mines that reconciles the mineral reserves yet to be exploited to the needs of other land uses that development is promoting. By doing this, a regional planning proposition is established in order to recover the degraded area and ecosystems, ensure the wellbeing of the population, improve employment generation and income of the affected people, and keep the prices of construction sand at low levels, while showing great respect to the environment. Keywords: cluster, construction sand, future use of depleted mined area, ecological expertise.

I. V. Wagner

Ethnopedagogical Approach to The Development of Environmental Culture of Personality in The Policultural Educational Space

The article actualizes the ethno-pedagogical approach to the development of the environmental culture of the individual in the context of multicultural education. The author reveals his methodological significance and potential in the development of an individual\'s environmental culture. The ethnocultural module of the humanitarian component of environmental education, developed by the author of the article — the course «Ecological ethics», is presented. Keywords: environmental culture, ethno-pedagogical approach, environmental ethics, humanitarian ecology, ethnocultural values.

A. V. Gagarin, Yu. M. Grishaeva

On Problematization of a Personality Ecological Development in Digital Education

The article raises the problem of ecological development of a person in modern science. In this regard, key areas of research: philosophic-methodological plan, as well as psychological, psycho-pedagogical and teaching (the theoretical-methodological and scientific-applied levels) are highlighted in the paper. In an attempt to answer the question about the indicated possibilities of designing the ecological development of a person in digital education, the authors address, inter alia, to the analysis of the issues of sociocultural development and amplification of personality development. Keywords: human ecological development, digital learning environment, social and cultural development of personality, amplification of personality development

A. N. Kamnev, S. V. Chernyshenko, S. R. Gildenskiold, Z. N. Tkacheva

Main Tasks and Strategy of Development of Hydro

The article examines historical factors, which have shaped different people\'s attitudes to water and hydrosphere as a whole. It also examines the progression of the research of water properties. Emphasis is laid on contemporary issues of hydrosphere. The article also provides strategic directions for development of contemporary hydroecology. Keywords: water; hydrosphere; contemporary issues of hydrosphere; strategy for development of hydroecology.


O. S. Glazachev, S. Yu. Kryzhanovskaya

Adaptive Medicine: Human Psychophysiological Adaptation Strategy to a Critically Altered Environment

In the context of growing contradictions between the state of the critically changed socio-natural environment and the possibilities of modern man to adapt to new rapidly emerging challenges and stressors, there is a growing need to search for new techniques for expanding human «internal limits» (A. Pechchei), his adaptive potential. Modern scientific data confirming the possibility and necessity of applying the principles and technologies of an interdisciplinary direction — adaptation medicine in life of every person of any age and health condition are substantiated in the paper. The accumulated research data from the moment of H. Selye\'s concept up to modern time proves the effectiveness of the phenomenon of controlled long-term cross-adaptation as a preventive and therapeutic measure capable of preparing and protecting the body from the damaging effects of the environment. The problem of individual dosing procedures based on the principles of adaptive medicine, as the main factor limiting their widespread use, is discussed. Criteria for assessing the adequacy of the ongoing adaptive changes should be based on a detailed understanding of the underlying mechanisms at different levels: molecular, cellular, organismic, social, and be considered together, from a systematic approach. Keywords: adaptation medicine, «internal limits» of a person, health reserves, direct and cross-effects of adaptation

E. A. Yumatov

Dynamic Theory of Emotions and Systemic Organization of Behavior

Based on the Biological and the Information Theories of Emotions, we developed the Dynamic Theory of Emotions, which characterizes the progressive development of positive, negative emotions at different stages of systemic organization of behavior, taking into account the changing relationships between predicted probability and real achievement of the result, and also individual, personal traits. The Dynamic Theory of Emotions most fully reveals the origin, biological (evolutionary) role and participation of emotions in purposeful behavior, and shows the possibilities for conscious rational self-analysis, control and management of emotions in a systematic organization of purposeful behavior. The main theoretical positions of the «Dynamic Theory of Emotions» are confirmed in the complex experimental analysis of the students\' psychophysiological state. Educational activity is a real model of behavior that reflects the general biological patterns of development of emotions and emotional tension. Keywords: brain, psyche, motions, character traits, behavior

G. Tellnes, K. B. Batt-Rawden, W. H. Christie


Public Mental Health Promotion in the Light of new Epigenetic Research, Environment and Lifestyle may have impact on our genes both today and in the future. Resent epigenetic researches indicate that our genes may turn on and off as consequence of the way we are living. Health Promotion and salutogenesis therefore may have a positive impact on our genes. Nature–Culture–Health — activities (NaCuHeal) are methods that may be useful to prevent both mental and somatic health problems in the future. This paper explains through research and practical examples how and why health promoting nature and culture activities can improve the mental and physical health of the general public. Keywords: Public mental health, policy, research, nature, NaCuHeal, culture, health, health promotion.


G. Cornelissen, L. Sackett

Season\'s Appreciations: Activities at the Halberg Chronobiology Center in 2018

Following the tradition set by the late Franz Halberg, research highlights over the past year are presented to illustrate the broad international cooperation his center continues to enjoy. The diverse applications of the discipline he founded is apparent from our several joint ongoing projects. The results briefly summarized herein in the form of an annotated bibliography are a testimony that his legacy continues to live on and constitutes a tribute to his memory. Keywords: advanced primary open-angle glaucoma, blood pressure monitoring, circadian rhythm alteration, ECG monitoring, fetal heart rate, heart rate variability, microgravity, personalized chronotherapy, plasma lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzymes, timed restricted feeding.

Qing Li


We all know how good being in forests can make us feel. We have known it for millennia. The sounds of the forest, the scent of the trees, the sunlight playing through the leaves, the fresh, clean air in the forests — these things give us a sense of comfort. They ease our stress and worry, help us to relax and to think more clearly. Being in forests can restore our mood, give us back our energy and vitality, refresh and rejuvenate us. In Japanese, we have a word for those feelings that are too deep for words: shinrin-yoku or forest bathing. In this article, I will let you know the secret power of the forests through shinrin-yoku/forest bathing. Keywords: forest medicine, Shinrin-Yoku, immunity, stress, quality of life.


Yu. C. Oganesyan, Yu. E. Penionzhkevich

150 Years Since the Discovery of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements by Dmitry Mendeleev

The year 2019 has been declared by UNESCO as the year of the Periodic Table of Elements. 150 years ago, an outstanding Russian scientist D. I. Mendeleev systematized the chemical elements existing at that time by chemical properties and created a table of elements. Since then, almost 60 chemical elements have been added to those existing 150 years ago. Now the table has 118 chemical elements, most of which were synthesized artificially, in particular, on charged particle accelerators. Especially vigorous growth in the synthesis and research of new heavy transfermium elements occurred during the last 20 years, when about 20 new heavy and superheavy elements were synthesized in various world research centers with powerful accelerator complexes. In the present article, authors discuss the current situation on the synthesis of new elements with an atomic number greater than 110 and the prospects for further advancement in the region of superheavy elements. Keywords: periodic system of chemical elements, heavy transfermium elements, charged particle accelerator.


O. S. Anisimov

The Culture of Thinking As a Leading Factor in Generating and Judging of Worldwide Projects

The article discusses the issues of communicative interaction of different civilizational units\' analytical representatives in their aspiration to make civilizations get out of confrontation to the harmonic forms of partnership. Chinese initiatives and the potential of Russian thinking techniques, the factors of the highest form of logic in achieving success in analytical interaction are taken into account. Keywords: thinking; culture; culture of thinking; civilization; criterion; arbitration; communication; coordination; develop

V. A. Lukov

Ecology of Сulture and Human Desire to Go Beyond His Nature

Taking into consideration the ecological-humanitarian paradigm of S. N. Glazachev in the thinking and education, the influence of the cultural factor on the construction of a person in the society of the future is shown in the paper. Man\'s aspiration to go beyond his nature has different consequences depending on the thesauruses learned and passed on to new generations — orientational mental complexes that determine the direction of social and cultural subjectivity of a person and human communities. Research data on the expectations and fears of «improving» a person among Russian youth who have received or are receiving higher education are presented in connection with cultural codes mastered by young people during the period of primary socialization6 which influence onto understanding of such «improvement». Keywords: ecology of culture, human construction, human future, youth, thesaurus approach

W. Kofler, O. S. Glazachev


The proposal of the «Extended view» of a human person as a bio-psycho-social being and its interactions with his/her different environments for the comprehensive understanding of health, illness, recreation and wellbeing is based on a special application of the technique for theories of principles. This technique was developed by A. Einstein to link indispensable but actually incompatible theories Basics and the relevance of paradigms are presented as indispensable fundament of any scientific activity. The technique had to be modified for the health-oriented use. The prerequisite for a theory of principle can be a jointly accepted term but with not fully identical contents. The acceptance of one evolutionary process is such a position for all health related scientific disciplines. But the principles «behind» evolution are different according to the different paradigms to make the evolutionary process plausible; Emotional, cognitive and intellectual effects — additional to physical and biochemical ones — are indispensable for the understanding of a human person but are not part of the phenomena of physical or chemical entities or of the evolutionary model e.g. of cosmology. The health-oriented model has to cover also physics: A broken leg has to be understood on the basis of mechanics and gravitation. Therefore the compatibility of our «Extended View» has to be given with the (health related) power of physics and cosmology. The technique of the theories of principles allows to invent the new principles for the needed jointly understanding of the related stay of knowledge. But all further conclusions must be based just on logic argumentation. So we have to offer the invention of a health oriented characterization e.g. of big bang, inflation, electromagnetic fields, matter etc. for an extended understanding of our health related real world with different materials, sunlight etc. These offers have to allow logic argumentations up to the emotional, cognitive and intellectual effects and their relevance for health. It is to demonstrate that the additional assumptions are not in conflict with the power of physics and cosmology to explain health related phenomena. The paradigmatic positions of the extended view and physics and cosmology are compared. There are reproducible phenomena and related scientific positions, which are indispensable for the standard models in physics and cosmology but cannot be explained causally on the basis of their paradigms. The extended view allows proposals also for their causal understanding. Key words: theory of «extended view», human health, A. Einstein\'s «theory of principles», cosmology, logic

International Academy of Science (Health&Ecology), Russian section

Stanislav N. Glazachev — to 80th Jubilee