How Much Sense do Ecological/Medical Limit Values for Protecting Human Health from Environmental Harm Make?

Karl Hecht

Berlin, Germany


Over the past 50 years, a rapid increase in chemical harmful agents (toxins) for the environment in air, soil, water, and food, as well as environmental pollution by noise and microwaves (electrosmog) has been noted worldwide. The limit values set for individual harmful agents to protect the public health in different countries are critically evaluated. The conclusion is reached that these limit values do not always offer the necessary protection of human health because industry and politics alike often follow the principle of putting economy before health. Therefore, realistic, scientifically based limit values ought to be strenuously pursued in order to achieve a protection against environmentally caused diseases.

Language: english



Karl Hecht
How Much Sense do Ecological/Medical Limit Values for Protecting Human Health from Environmental Harm Make? // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2011. #1