How to Measure the Path to a Dignified Life and an Unencumbered Human Development

S. A. Stepanov, A. M. Tarko

International Independent University of Environmental& Political Sciences; A. Dorodnicyn Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Computing Centre, RAS


Today we are faced with a huge number of international indicators and indices in the humanities, but they are scattered and do not indicate the main factor — is there the conditions for dignified life and free development of a person. The authors have developed an integrative composite index of conditions of dignified life and free development on the example of the Russia and several other countries.

Language: russian



S. A. Stepanov, A. M. Tarko
How to Measure the Path to a Dignified Life and an Unencumbered Human Development // Electronic periodical “Herald of the International Academy of Sciences. Russian Section”, 2014. #1